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Our list of facilities managers and directors
Database by Job Role

Use our list of facilities managers to connect by email, phone, and post to decision makers within the companies most likely to need your products and services

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Aug 20, 2022

Our list of facilities managers and directors

Part of our extensive UK business database, our list of facilities managers contains a wide range of hard and soft FM decision makers.

Our FM industry contacts have the responsibility for and budget to purchase your company’s products and services. The database is comprehensive, up-to-date, and GDPR-compliant.

The facilities management database covers all industries and includes the following:

  • 8,835 UK companies,
  • 8,835 contact names and job title,
  • 7,348 facilities manager phone numbers, and
  • 3,429 direct facilities manager email addresses

The data includes contact information for facility management professionals including those in:

  • real estate,
  • property management,
  • inventory management,
  • building owners,
  • healthcare facilities,
  • building maintenance, and
  • other FM services.

We licence our data to you for 12 months. Use it to connect with and market to facility manager and maintenance contacts through post, email and phone. Email the facilities managers once a month to promote your company’s products and services, and generate strong sales leads.

How to sell to facilities managers

It is a facility manager’s job to ensure the smooth running of any building they are in charge of. This incorporates a number of factors, all of which must be carefully balanced and considered by facility management staff. 

To sell products or services to facilities managers they must help them to do their job better, more efficiently, and cost-effectively.

Some good examples of this would be:

  • an integrated workplace management system,
  • affordable cleaning service, or
  • artificial intelligence designed to manage their calendars.

Promote the long-term benefits of your solution to their organisation, rather than the immediate cost benefits. Make sure to back up these calculations with relevant supporting data.

Email marketing campaigns can include the company’s research/metrics, testimonials from your clients and results previous clients have achieved thanks to using your product or service.

Try not to overwhelm prospects with too much information in the email copy. Instead, provide links to reports or infographics which can be compelling enough to trigger an enquiry.

Carry out direct marketing campaigns using our data list

Our data list of facilities managers is extensive but you don’t have to buy the entire database.

Purchase contact information for the facilities managers working within the companies most relevant to your industry. This will allow you to run more effective, targeted marketing campaigns.

When you contact us let us know about your company, products & services you offer and how valuable these are to facilities managers.

Using this information, we’ll then search through our data file for the facilities decision makers most likely to need what you sell.

Only interested in targeting facilities managers by size of company?

We can search for the facilities manager contacts included in our data file by the number of employees, number of branches, and turnover you stipulate.

Prefer your list of facilities managers only to cover parts of the UK?

Whether you’re targeting facilities managers in the West Midlands or South East, let us know your criteria and we’ll present you with a count and a quote for the marketing list.

Included on our data file of facilities management contacts is a separate field for each of the following:

  • contact title
  • contact name (separate fields for first and last name for business contacts contained on the data file at each company)
  • job functions or titles (management, maintenance, asset management, space management etc)
  • company name
  • type or line of business
  • legal status including company number
  • postal address including 2 lines for the address, town, county, and postcode
  • telephone number (main switchboard number)
  • email address details (including website address)
  • number of employees (headcount people employed directly by the company)
More Than Words Note: If you don’t have the resources to carry out your own email or telephone marketing campaigns ask about our managed email marketing and managed telemarketing service.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)  vector icon in orange and dark blue

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Find out more

Depending on the product or service you offer, it may only take one sale to make your money back from your investment in our list of facilities managers and facilities directors.

Whether you run your own marketing campaigns in-house or you outsource them to us, we’re here to help you for one year (12 months) after your purchase.

For more information on our list of facilities managers across the UK, please call 0330 010 8300 or you can click here to email our marketing databases team.

Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)  vector icon in orange and dark blue

List of facilities managers

Direct marketing to your list of facilities managers

Our list of facilities managers has been compiled with direct marketing in mind – with our data lists, you can contact the decision makers within the facilities management departments of companies by email, phone number, and post with information on each product and service you offer.

We offer an email list, a telephone list, and a postal marketing list. There is a small additional premium for including our email list of facilities managers on your data file – please ask for more information when you call.

Email list of facilities managers - how to send email marketing campaign

The facilities managers on our email lists are traditionally very responsive to approaches by email. If you wish to run email marketing campaigns to the decision makers on our FM database, please ask our account manager when you get in touch to make sure that the data file we provide you with includes an email address for each facilities manager and facilities director.

As with all our standard UK B2B email database lists, our email lists of facilities managers are all GDPR-compliant, updated regularly, and subject to accuracy guarantees on the company contact details contain on them.

Telephone number list of facilities managers - telemarketing

In many companies, there may be more than one chief financial offers representing different areas of the business who are answerable to the ovaerall financial director.

Outsource your email marketing and telemarketing to us

Do you lack the infrastructure or technical ability to broadcast email campaigns to your email list of facilities managers? Do you want to run a telemarketing campaign to open a conversation with facilities managers on your data file but you don’t have a team.

Let us send email marketing campaigns to your email list on your behalf with our managed B2B email marketing service. We’ll design and send the emails for you – an experienced email marketing copywriter will create the text for your campaign. We’ll then send you a full report on how every contact on your email list reacted to the emails we sent for you. We can send campaigns to the recipients on your email list as many times as you like although we always recommend a minimum of three campaigns.

Our experienced outsourced B2B telemarketing campaign team will get in touch with each of the contacts on your data file for you.

Please ask your account manager when you contact us about our outsourced direct marketing services.

Postal marketing to facilities decision makers

Many clients use our lists of facilities managers and facilities directors to run postal marketing campaigns to promote their goods and services. The same accuracy guarantee covers postal and postcode data as on all of our standard business to business mailing lists. Although we don’t offer an outsourced postal marketing campaign service, we can sort your data file into postcode order so that any 3rd party mailing house you’re using can take full advantage of postal volume discounts on your behalf.

Selling to facilities managers - what do they buy?

Each facilities manager and facilities director is responsible for overseeing some or all of the functions and services of the estate they control as well as managing each asset within that estate.

  • Catering and vending
  • Cleaning requirements – including selection of commercial cleaning services providers, cleaning materials & equipment, window cleaning services, tank cleaning & repair services, industrial cleaning equipment procurement, computer cleaning services, telephone cleaning services, and floor cleaning and polishing services.
  • Maintenance services including buildings and ground maintenance
  • Buildings and building services requirements
  • Information services requirements including signage
  • Space management
  • Security
  • Health and safety
  • Productivity-based facility asset management apps and websites – each app or website we’ve helped clients promote involved a combination of some or all of the following – facility asset tracking, facility data collection, facility asset maintenance, and strategic facility planning.
  • Utilities and communications infrastructure
Does your list contain facilities management companies?

No. Our list of facilities managers and directors only contains facilities professionals working within internal facilities management departments at companies managing building maintenance, supplier contract services, and so on either as occupier, landlord, or a mixture of both. We do have a separate list of third party facilities management companies and professionals, the largest proportion of which are located in London – please call 0330 010 8300 or you can click here to email us for more information.

Get in touch by email or phone

Contact us

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