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School calling list

Contact decision makers within over 50,000 educational establishments across Primary, Secondary and Further education with our comprehensive UK school calling list

Primary school kids in a classroom
  • Use To Pitch Head Teachers Direct
  • Book Face To Face Meetings
  • 92% Accuracy Guarantee
  • Generate Closeable Leads
  • Gather Market Intelligence
  • 12 Months’ Usage Licence

Up-to-date, accurate, and guaranteed high quality education authority database

Our school calling list is a comprehensive database of head teachers within UK schools. In addition to telephone numbers we also provide specific information you need to speak with them on the telephone.

Use our database to connect directly to the decision makers within schools with the greatest need for your products or services. You have 12 months to use the data, build awareness of your company and share the benefits of your products and services with schools. Use our list to demonstrate how your preferred school decision makers can help their students achieve the best outcomes.

On our database

Making direct, two-way contact by phone with head teachers and other decision makers in schools will generate a stream of new, high-quality, and closeable leads for your business.

More Than Words Marketing’s school calling list contains contact information for high-value decision makers within:

  • sixth form,
  • primary school,
  • junior school,
  • secondary school,
  • academy school,
  • independent school,
  • prep school, and
  • schools with provisions for early years and those with special educational needs (SEN).

The list contains significant information to aid your telemarketing efforts which can include:

  • which local authority the school comes under,
  • how many students,
  • which key stage/stages it covers, and
  • latest news, achievement information or upcoming events.

Our UK school calling list is primarily designed for use by a companies internal telemarketing team. If you don’t have an internal telemarketing team, you can still carry out a telephone campaign to schools.

More Than Words’ offers an experienced outsourced telemarketing service for generating leads, and opportunities from schools and educational establishments.

Winning more leads and sales with More Than Words’ school calling database

The primary objective of telemarketing to schools is to build profitable, mutually-beneficial, and long-lasting relationships between your company and target schools. Commercial relationships may involve Head teachers, Bursars, Business managers and others.

Making an appointment

Selling to schools requires a little more groundwork than selling to businesses because teachers are often during traditional business hours.

By using your school calling list to arrange a face-to-face meeting offers the dual benefit of:

  • opening a dialogue and introducing yourself to the relevant parties, and
  • setting a future appointment to turn a cold lead into a warm lead.

Using your school calling list for market intelligence

Your school telemarketing database is a great resource for carrying out market research using carefully scripted questions.

By taking this approach you are able to find information on:

  • most pressing pupil issues,
  • immediate needs,
  • current supplier arrangements and,
  • longer term needs.

All of this should offer you some guidance about the level of interest the sector might have in your products and services. Telemarketing can reveal more about each school on your list, who the main decision makers are, and buying behaviour /cycles. If they have a current supplier, a telemarketer can find out when their current contract ends. This will provide actionable intelligence for future targeted marketing campaigns.

Market research allows you to build up a picture of how the education sector works. This allows you to see how your companies products or services can fit into it.

Testing your data

To ensure success of your telemarketing campaign test a variety of different approaches. Use your segmented school calling list to try out different versions of the same message.

Record the results of each campaign and compare their performance, making adjustments as you go. Ideally, you would test everything from the overall message to the greeting or the order of what you say.

By doing this, you will be in the best place to judge the best-performing approach. This means that your staff can replicate the approach for future telemarketing  to create the most successful campaigns.

6 quick school telemarketing tips

  1. Use your marketing calls to find out when the contact has free time to chat rather than steaming ahead with your pitch.
  2. Combine telephone and email marketing as early as possible to ensure maximum exposure.
  3. Update your school calling list regularly to make sure that you are sending the right messages to the right contacts.
  4. Do not assume that before or after school hours will be a good time for a teacher to talk. They may have before or after-school responsibilities.
  5. Keep calls and meetings short unless they are previously arranged appointments.

Buy a UK school calling list from More Than Words

Please call 0330 010 8300 or fill out the contact form and let us know about your company, what you sell, and the benefits your products and services deliver to the education sector.

We’ll then identify the schools most likely to purchase and we’ll support you as much as you need us to during the 12 months of your calling list database licence.

Business people holding a coloured puzzle pieces together
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)  vector icon in orange and dark blue

School calling list

What is a school calling list?

Our school calling list is a database (in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, or comma separated value file format) of telephone numbers and decision maker information within UK education establishments.

You can choose to buy the entire database containing every school we have records for or just select those schools which are most likely to benefit from the products or services you sell.

With your school calling list, you can either give the data to your own telemarketing team to use or you can outsource it to a telemarketing services company to do the work on your behalf.

More Than Words has an in-house telemarketing team whose staff have extensive experience in promoting clients’ products and services to the schools market – please ask your account manager for more information when you get in touch.

Which is better for selling to schools - telemarketing or telesales?

Telemarketing and telesales are often interchangeable however, at More Than Words, we define the two as:

  • telemarketing – booking appointments, generating leads, inviting attendance to events you’re promoting at or hosting yourself, and gathering or market intelligence
  • telesales – making the sale over the phone (where the decision maker agrees to buy and arrangements for payment are made).

When using our calling list to contact schools, we would strongly recommend using telemarketing – we’d actively dissuade clients from using telesales techniques.

If you want advice on how to approach schools by phone so that you give your company the best possible chance of making the greatest return on your investment in marketing, please speak with one of our account managers.

Which types of contacts do you have on your school calling lists databases?

In over 90% of cases, the contact on our school calling lists database is the head teacher. Where it is not, it will either be the deputy head teachers or, in some secondary schools, the school business manager.

Other decision makers in schools like heads of department and IT managers are not included on our school calling lists database.

If you wish to contact someone other than the head teacher within the school, we can provide you with this data. Please contact us and ask our account manager to run a count for you.

Can I append email marketing data onto my school calling database?

Yes – you can integrate a school email database into your calling list for a nominal fee.

Please note that we don’t have email addresses for every school on our calling database so, if you want the open to be able to email and call each school on your list, please let your account manager know when you speak with them.

We’re also able to offer a public school email list  – again, please contact us to speak to one of our account managers.

Can I append postal data to my school telephone list database?

Yes – you can add postal data to your school calling list for a nominal fee.

Please ask your account manager for more information when you get in touch.

Are your school telemarketing lists GDPR compliant?

Our school telemarketing data is fully GDPR compliant on the following grounds:

  • marketing is a “legitimate reason” under GDPR and our calling lists are intended for marketing purposes,
  • the products and services you’re promoting are the for benefit of the school and not for the personal benefit of the decision makers you get in touch with, and
  • you’ll be speaking with the school decision makers in their capacity as a representative of the school and not as a consumer.

We understand that many clients are keen to ensure that they act within the spirit and the letter of the guidance of GDPR.

We regularly update our GDPR policy – if you want to see a copy of it, please ask your account manager for one when you call or email.

What happens when my 12 months’ usage licence has expired?

When your 12 months’ usage licence expires, you must stop using the database. If you wish to continue marketing to schools using our database service, you’ll need to purchase a new 12 month usage licence.

There are three exceptions to this rule though. You may still continue to contact decision makers on your school calling list if, as a result of receiving a phone call from your company:

  • the school became a customer and it purchased your products and services,
  • you are negotiating with the school on a deal but that deal has not yet concluded, or
  • the decision maker you have been speaking to has given you written confirmation that they wish to be included on your internal marketing database (please keep records of these written confirmations)
Google orange star rating

Google Reviews

Michael Peake

Excellent Quality Data delivered promptly with great service. Has been a huge help during the current pandemic and will be using them regularly. The best I have ever dealt with. Account Manager Lisa Kinghorn is an asset to the business. Great company with superb customer service.

Paul Thomas

We've recently worked with Scott. He was outstanding from our initial conversation, through to data acquisition and subsequent email marketing campaign. I have nothing but good words to say about him, the company and the service they provided. I should add that we were a little hesitant before agreeing to work with Scott due to a bad experience with another provider. He was extremely empathetic towards our predicament and ultimately guided us through the onboarding and service delivery. He clearly knows he's stuff.

Chris Brown

Having a very specific need for B2B marketing we decided to use More than Words. We spoke to Clare Tweed who was very knowledgeable and made the whole process very easy. Clare is easy to speak with, happy to help and I  could not recommend her enough, she got our order sorted very quickly and delivered to us as agreed. A huge thank you to Clare and the team at More Than Words.

Tom Grainger

On behalf of myself and DOM UK, thank you to Clare and the team for making our customer survey process as straight-forward as possible. Reached out to the company after finding them using a Google search and was contacted back straight away. They used expert knowledge to help set-up our survey to achieve the best result possible. Would recommend and will be using More Than Words Marketing again.

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