What is your sales call marketing strategy?
We generally offer five types of calls for clients, using our telemarketing to the public sector service:
1. appointment booking,
2. lead generation,
3. market research,
4. event promotion, and
5. database cleansing and enhancement.
Basically our core service aim is to deliver as much value to each client as possible. So, the best way of achieving this is to thoroughly understand what your commercial objectives are for your campaign.
Consequently the more information you give us and the more you explain what you want, the better we will be able to:
- identify the type of buying opportunities you’re seeking through telemarketing activity, and
- gather information for your sales and marketing team to use in direct marketing and follow ups.
Who will we be contacting with telemarketing to the public sector?
For the data we use in a campaign, we can either:
- purchase a potential customer list from a trusted partner, and/or
- work from your existing customer list.
Specifically we have access to the telephone contact details of budget-holding decision makers in:
- Care Homes
- Central Government
- Dentists
- Further and Higher Education
- Housing Associations and other local authority organisations
- Local Government
- MP’s and Lords
- Parish Councils
So let us know the specific audience you want to target and we will run a count and report back to you within 24 hours with the number of contacts matching your requirements.
How our service works
We use telemarketers with public sector experience
Because our experienced telesales executives have expertise in B2B sales, confidently presenting clients’ products, services, and unique selling points to public sector prospects.
This means your telemarketer knows how to:
- establish your company’s credibility with public sector buyers,
- clearly deliver the message and points you want to emphasise,
- build an organogram of buying responsibility within each organisation for your marketing team, and
- take note of any important information you wish us to gather during telemarketing.
Benefits-led campaign brief to build decision maker trust & engagement
Our aim during the phone call is to highlight your company and its strengths, by engaging each person in a full and proper conversation about the value of your products and services.
Your telemarketer can:
- successfully overcome most gatekeeper blocks,
- open marketing calls with an informative, professional presentation,
- handle objections and questions to discover the target’s opinion and future motives, and
- arrange face-to-face meetings with your own sales team.
Real-time campaign reporting
Because almost every marketing campaign takes place over a number of weeks our online folder allows you to track the progress of calls in real time
Our B2B telemarketing team will:
- record a full summary of each call in a written format,
- make in-depth notes on all decision maker interactions,
- notify you immediately if there is a live prospect to follow up on, and
- track your campaign in real time on the internet for you to follow along.
Using telemarketing to the public sector successfully
Appointment setting
Most public sector decision makers, and those who influence purchasing decisions, like to find out as much about a potential supplier as possible first.
By using our telemarketing service to book appointments with budget holders you can clearly define:
- the quality and the efficacy of the products and services your company offers, and
- the value your company delivers to its public sector clients.
Lead generation
Not all public sector purchasing decisions go out to tender. A large number of purchases are made by requisition.
For example, purchases for less than £100,000.
By using a telemarketing campaign this gives your company the opportunity to:
- present your products or services to public sector organisations, and
- discover an organisation’s likely expenditure on the types of products and services you offer for the coming 12-24 months.
Market research
Because the process of decision-making in the public sector is complex, use telemarketing to find out:
- who the key decision makers and influencers are,
- what their current procurement arrangements are and when their current supply contract ends, and
- what their procurement plans are for the next 12-24 months.
With this detailed information, you ensure that your future marketing activities are correctly and precisely targeted, and address the known current and future needs of the organisation.
Event promotion
By hiring a stand at a trade show and exhibition you can successfully:
- demonstrate your products and services to an interested audience, and
- build company credibility in the minds of public sector decision makers and influencers.
So why not let us promote the exhibition you’re appearing at or the event you’re hosting. We’ll call the targets you have selected to issue a personal invitation to them on your behalf to visit your stand. Outbound telemarketing used to follow up on social media event invitations can significantly increase how many potential attendees actually go to your event
Data enhancement
We have access to the contact details of over 260,000 officials, managers, executive, and elected representatives.
Your telemarketing campaign will allow you to:
- check that the contact details you have for the decision makers and influencers you’re targeting are correct, and
- enquire about forthcoming tenders, ad-hoc purchases, current supply arrangements, and more.
Marketing To Public Sector Organisations
As a result of the level of interest in marketing to the public sector, More Than Words Marketing has created a helpful and informative downloadable guide.